CIPS SK Lunch and Learns: “The Value of Building a Rock Star Team” (Sept 20th – Saskatoon, Sept 21st – Regina)

CIPS SK Event: Digital Analytics and its Impact on Digital Marketing

CIPS Saskatchewan Speaker Series 2023

“A Soldier’s Story of IT in the Military” with Thomas Boxall I.S.P., ITCP – CIPS SK Nov 2nd Event

CIPS SK June 2nd Event: “Thriving not surviving in the fourth industrial revolution” with Philippe Johnston, President of the CIO Association of Canada (Virtual)

CIPS Saskatchewan Speakers Series 2021-2022

IT Professionalism Week 2021

CIPS Saskatchewan AGM (Nov 3rd, 2021)

CIPS Workshop (Dec 10th) : “Hands-on Workshop on Building Predictive Analytics Models using Data Science Lifecycle in Python”

CIPS Saskatchewan Professional Development Conference (Jan 21st): “AI – The Future IS Here”